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Anna Maria College

2024-2025 Policy Year

Anna Maria College is pleased to announce that for the 2024-2025 Academic Year we have teamed up with Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) to provide health insurance coverage for our students. Details about the Student Health Insurance Plan can be found by selecting Benefit Information in the left navigation menu.

Undergraduate Students

Since September of 1989, Massachusetts Law, G.L. c. 15A, § 18, has required every college student participating in at least 75% of the full-time curriculum to participate in a Student Health Insurance Program or in a health benefit plan with comparable coverage. Therefore, all students enrolled in at least 75% of the full-time curriculum are automatically charged the Student Health Insurance Fee. If the student is already enrolled in a comparable health insurance plan, then the student must fill out an online waiver form. The online waiver form can be accessed by selecting waiver form in the left navigation menu. If you do not submit an online waiver form by the deadline below, you will automatically be enrolled in the College's Student Health Insurance Plan and responsible for the fee.

The Annual Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Fee is $3,031 and will be charged on the fall tuition bill. Annual coverage is effective 8/1/2024-7/31/2025.
The deadline to waive the Annual Student Health Insurance Plan is September 13, 2024. 

The Spring Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Fee is $1,295 and will be charged on the spring tuition bill. Spring coverage is effective 1/1/2025-7/31/2025.
The deadline for new incoming spring undergraduate students to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan is February 15, 2025.

Graduate and C.E. Students

Graduate students enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester and Continuing Education (C.E.) students enrolled in 9 or more credits per semester are automatically charged the Student Health Insurance Fee. If the student is already enrolled in a comparable health insurance plan, then the student must fill out an online waiver form. The online waiver form can be accessed by selecting “Waiver Form” in the left navigation menu. If you do not submit an online waiver form by the deadline below, you will automatically be enrolled in the College's Student Health Insurance Plan and responsible for the fee.

The Annual Graduate and C.E. Student Health Insurance Fee is $3,031, for coverage effective 8/1/2024-7/31/2025. 
The deadline for Graduate students enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester and C.E. students enrolled in 9 or more credits per semester to waive the annual Student Health Insurance Plan is September 13, 2024. 

The Spring Graduate and C.E. Student Health Insurance Fee is $1,295, for coverage effective 1/1/2025-7/31/2025. 
The deadline for new incoming Spring Graduate students enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester and C.E. students enrolled in 9 or more credits per semester to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan is February 15, 2024.

All Students

Student Health Insurance Plan ID cards will be sent to your home address or address provided by the school. 

If you submit an insurance waiver and then lose your coverage due to a qualifying life changing event, you must contact University Health Plans 833-251-1745 within 60 days to be enrolled in the BCBS Student Health Insurance Plan.

Please contact University Health Plans with any questions, 833-251-1745.