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Risk Strategies - University Health Plans

Indiana University

Professional Student 
Insurance Plan 

Annual Waiver Form
2024-2025 Academic Year

If you have comparable health insurance coverage that meets the following requirements, you may be eligible to waive enrollment in the Professional Student Health Insurance Plan.

  • Your plan must be active at the start of the semester/term. 
  • Your plan must be filed and approved in the U.S. and compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).1
  • Your plan must provide comprehensive non-emergency benefits including primary care doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, mental health and substance abuse providers in the geographical area surrounding your campus.2
  • Your plan must have an annual deductible of $9,100 (individual) / $18,200 (family) or less.

By waiving this plan, you will be certifying that the coverage under your health plan is comparable to coverage under the Student Health Insurance Plan and that you understand that you are responsible for your medical expenses.  You will also certify that your insurance coverage will remain in effect, providing coverage in the geographic area surrounding the Indiana University campus during the 2024-2025 academic year.  The submission of your waiver form, including all information included, constitutes truthful and accurate statements.

Further, you agree that if you involuntarily lose coverage prior to the end of the academic year, you will contact the IU Student Insurance office at You must complete an application form and provide supporting documentation of your loss of coverage within 30 days of the date your coverage ends.  Your bursar account will then be charged a prorated premium amount based on the number of days of coverage.

Once submitted, your waiver request will be reviewed and you will then receive an email from UHP within 3 business days with your approval, denial or request for further documentation. 

  • If approved, it may take up to 10 business days to post the premium reversal to your bursar account.  Your approved waiver is effective for the entire academic year.  You may not enroll onto the Professional Insurance plan during the year unless you experience an IRS-qualifying life event.
  • If your waiver is denied, your IU Professional Insurance plan enrollment will remain in effect for the academic year and the full premium will remain on your bursar account.  If you feel your waiver was unfairly denied, you may submit an appeal to within 30 days of your denial notice for further consideration.
  • If additional information is needed in order for your waiver request to be processed, please follow the instructions provided in the email sent to you.

A new waiver is required to be submitted each academic year.

1 Generally, plans acquired through U.S. employment or purchased from the local state marketplaces will be filed and approved in the U.S. and compliant with the ACA. Plans that do not meet this requirement include: short-term medical plans; healthcare sharing plans; insurance plans from foreign healthcare systems; and travel plans.

2 Not all U.S. health plans provide coverage in the geographical area around your campus. Plans that do not meet this requirement include: out-of-state HMO, EPO, and Medicaid plans.  They will usually not provide comprehensive non-emergency benefits outside of the home coverage area.  Students should contact their insurance company and verify if the home network includes Indiana. If it does not, you may be able to apply for an away-from-home rider through your health insurance company to extend coverage to Indiana while attending school. If you have an HMO, EPO or Medicaid plan that does not include Indiana in the comprehensive coverage network, and you do not have an away-from-home rider extending your coverage to Indiana, you cannot waive. Emergency-only coverage near the campus does not meet the waiver requirements.

Students participating in a clinical rotation outside of Indiana are responsible for ensuring they have comprehensive non-emergency care in the location where they take their clinical rotation. Students enrolled in the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and other Medicaid plans should be aware that these plans may not provide coverage in the area of the student’s clinical rotation. Supplemental coverage will be required if traveling abroad or the student may request a qualifying event enrollment to join the IU Professional Student Insurance plan.  Contact the IU Student Insurance office at to provide new insurance information or to enroll onto the IU Professional Student Insurance Plan  

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