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Emerson College

Paris College of Art Global BFA
2024-2025 Academic Year


If you are not enrolled in the Emerson Paris College Global BFA, click HERE to return to the main page. 
All  Emerson Paris College Global BFA students are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP),  insured by Cigna Global. The plan is mandatory. The policy provides worldwide benefits with an unlimited medical maximum, and students can view benefits on the left side of this page. Please note that starting August 1, 2024, the out-of-pocket maximum for care in the U.S. increased to $2,500 in-network and $5,000 out-of-network.
The policy coverage period is: August 1, 2024 – July 31, 2025.
Annual Cost: $2,069
First year students starting in July will be charged an additional $172 for coverage 07/01/2024 - 07/31/2024
Evacuation and Repatriation benefits of up to $250,000 each are provided via AIG Global Assist. From outside the US, call +1 715-295-8917 or email and reference policy #SRG 009153779 for evacuation and repatriation needs.
For 2024-2055: The out-of-pocket maxim for in-network coverage in the U.S. is increasing to $2,500 and for out-of-network to $5,000. There will be no changes to coverage outside the U.S.


The Cigna Envoy Portal at and the Cigna Global Customer Service at 800-441-2668 are your resources for using the Cigna Global Plan abroad and in the US. You will receive a welcome email from Cigna to your Emerson College email address with instructions for registering for your Cigna Envoy account. The email will provide you with your Cigna ID and Account number, which is necessary to register and access your ID card. 

Registration is easy:

  1. Register online at or scroll to the bottom of the webpage to download the mobile app.
  2. Within the ‘Customers’ section, select ‘Register.’
  3. Enter your nine-digit Cigna membership number into the ‘Cigna ID’ field. (number provided in welcome email)Enter your personal information from your membership card. Once all information is entered, click ‘Register.’
  4. You will receive an activation email. Click on the link in the email to proceed with registration.
  5. You will be asked to choose a security question for your account. Once all information is entered, click ‘Continue.’
  6. You can now create your own password. Once all information is entered correctly, click ‘Continue’ to proceed.
  7. You can choose to set up two-factor authentication via email or text message.
  8. If you choose two-factor authentication, you will be prompted to enter your verification code sent via text or email.

Your Cigna Envoy account will allow you to print and view your insurance ID card, view your coverage details, find a doctor worldwide, submit and track claims, and access health and well-being resources.  You can contact Cigna Customer Service if you need assistance with registration at 800-441-2668.

You can view a recording introducing you to the Cigna Envoy Portal HERE. The password is Emerson2023!


Should something serious happen, contact Customer Service at 800-441-2668, and the global service team will help you get the emergency care you need, from ground transportation to translators to finding providers. If hospitalized, Cigna can often coordinate a guarantee of payment to the hospital.

Students are not required to see a provider with a direct billing agreement with Cigna, and claims from non-contracted providers can be quickly submitted for reimbursement via the Cigna Envoy portal. Students can locate providers that may have a direct billing agreement with Cigna via the Cigna Envoy portal or by calling customer service at 800-441-2668, but are also free to see non-contracted providers. 

Students seeing a provider without a direct billing agreement with Cigna should ask the provider if they will bill Cigna and provide a copy of the card. If the provider does not bill the insurance plan, students can call Cigna’s Customer Service number and ask Cigna to reach out to the provider to offer a guarantee of payment. When Cigna has time before the appointment to connect with the provider’s office or hospital, they can often set up a payment arrangement.

For nonrecurring appointments, paying the provider and submitting the claim to Cigna for reimbursement is often easiest. 


Students can see contracted and non-contracted providers, but the student’s out-of-pocket costs will be lower when a contracted provider is used. Contracted providers can be found via the Cigna Envoy Portal. Present your Cigna member ID card at all appointments.

If you are using a Cigna contracted provider, you should tell the provider you have Cigna insurance and present your insurance ID card so the provider can bill Cigna.


If the provider bills Cigna through a direct payment agreement or a guarantee of payment agreement, Cigna will pay the provider and send you an explanation of benefits once the claim is complete.

If you pay for a claim out of pocket, you need to submit the claim to Cigna. You can fax or email the PDF claim form, but claims are processed faster if submitted directly through the secure Cigna Envoy portal. You will need to upload an itemized invoice from the provider. Claim reimbursement can be paid directly to the provider or your bank account if your banking information is provided. Cigna may request additional medical records in cases of longer-term hospitalization before your claim is finalized; monitor your email and/or Cigna portal for the status of your claim and if additional information is required. If you have questions about what information is needed, contact Cigna Global's customer service. 


Medical Evacuation and repatriation benefits are insured and coordinated by AIG Travel Assist. From outside the US call +1 715-295-8917 or email and reference policy #SRG 009153779